SQN1 – Quality System Approval The supplier must maintain a Quality System compliant with AS9100 or ISO9001. If accredited and registered to either standard, provide a copy of the registration to Ferro-Ceramic Grinding, Inc.’s Quality Manager. If not accredited and registered, the supplier is subject to a quality audit (questionnaire and/or on-site audit).
SQN2 – Record Retention The supplier shall retain records related to any Ferro-Ceramic Grinding, Inc. product for a minimum of ten (10) years. Extended retention times will be specified on purchase orders.
SQN3 – Traceability The supplier must provide a certificate of compliance with Ferro-Ceramic Grinding, Inc. purchase orders on each shipment, ensuring traceability of all certifications for parts.
SQN4 – First Article Inspection Documented first article requirements, listed on the purchase order and requiring AS9102 when specified, must include all dimensions. All new products should undergo a first article inspection, even if not listed on the purchase order for product approval.
SQN5 – Source Inspection Ferro-Ceramic Grinding, Inc. reserves the right to perform source inspection. If needed, it will be specified on the product’s line item, conducted at the supplier’s facilities before shipment. Notify Ferro-Ceramic Grinding, Inc. Quality Manager when ready for inspection.
SQN6 – Notification of Changes -Changes are not authorized without approval from Ferro-Ceramic Grinding, Inc. management. The supplier must notify Ferro-Ceramic Grinding, Inc. of changes affecting fit, form, function, equipment relocation, change of address/location, ownership, supplier company name or CAGE code change, drawing/specification conflict, or supplier process change.
SQN7 – Foreign Object Debris (FOD) The supplier must establish, document, and maintain a program to control and eliminate foreign object debris (FOD) during manufacturing, assembly, test, and inspection operations.
SQN8 – Hazardous Material Supplier shall label products indicating hazardous material type (e.g., cadmium, lead) and furnish information on substances known to cause harm.
SQN9 – Counterfeit Prevention The supplier must establish and maintain a counterfeit parts prevention/avoidance and control plan to prevent and control the delivery of counterfeit parts.
SQN10 – ITAR Requirement Documents and data supplied may contain technical data defined by ITAR and are subject to U.S. export laws. Transfer without proper authorization is prohibited.
SQN11 – RoHS Requirement The supplier certifies that materials supplied are free from banned substances under RoHS.
SQN12 – Nonconformance and Corrective Action System Non-conforming product requires approval. The supplier must notify Ferro Ceramic in writing, and have a system in place for corrective actions.
SQN13 – Submit Test/Inspection Data Supplier shall provide Ferro-Ceramic Grinding, Inc. objective, written evidence of conformance to purchase order requirements with each shipment when required.
- The format of submitted data is not critical but shall contain, at a minimum, the following;
- Seller’s name and address
- Purchase order number
- Ferro-Ceramic Grinding, Inc. part number
- Drawing/specification revision level
- Number of items in lot
- Number of items inspected
- Acceptable quality level (AQL) used
- Supplier shall submit either attributes data or variables data, as requested by Ferro-Ceramic Grinding, Inc.
- Data sheets and/or test reports shall bear evidence of acceptance by supplier’s signature or stamp and date signed.
SQN14 – Flow Down Requirements to Sub-suppliers Suppliers must flow down all applicable requirements of the purchase order to their suppliers to ensure conformance.
SQN15 – Right to Audit Ferro Ceramic Grinding, Inc. reserves the right to perform manufacturing and/or test process verification and quality system surveys at the supplier’s facilities.
SQN16 – Delivery Shipments Partial deliveries are not allowed without authorization. Parts must comply with the number specified on the purchase order.
SQN17 – Latest Revision Requirement Suppliers will perform work to the latest revision of drawings, specifications, and requirements provided by Ferro Ceramic Grinding, Inc.
SQN18 – Awareness of Contribution to Product/Service Conformity, Safety, and Ethical Behavior The supplier shall implement measures to promote awareness among its personnel regarding their contributions to product or service conformity, product safety, and ethical behavior in all business dealings.